Mario Quintana
Mario, a seasoned digital marketer, is deeply informed of the harsh realities of social media privacy vulnerabilities. His experiences on several dozen campaigns on various verticles have made him acutely aware of the privacy flaws and risks on the internet and virtual worlds. Motivated by a relentless commitment to protect his daughter and other children from online threats, he founded The Kids Foundation For Safety.
Mario’s objective is not to shield children from the inevitable dangers of the online world—which would be unrealistic—but to empower them to safely enjoy social media and virtual worlds while protecting their privacy and fostering open communication with their parents.
Our mission
Children spend more time online than ever before, and the need for guidance and communication has never been greater. We understand the challenges parents, and schools face in ensuring children’s online safety, and we’re here to bridge that gap.
Our mission is fueled by the belief that every child deserves a secure and enriching online experience. By equipping children with essential skills, fostering open communication with their parents, and providing parents with the resources they need.
We are creating a digital environment where curiosity and safety go hand in hand.
Join us in our mission to safeguard the future of our children in the digital age.

Join us in our mission to safeguard the future of our children in the digital age. Together, we can ensure that every child’s online journey is filled with knowledge, resilience, and the confidence to explore safely. Your support is the key to making our mission a reality, and together, we will continue to create a safer internet, one child at a time.
Contact Info
- Rancho Santa Margarita
- info@kids.foundation
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